
top off是什么意思


top off

英语翻译:top off

   top off:结束;完成
1.finish up or conclude
同义词: top
2.fill to the point of almost overflowing

英语翻译:top off

   to complete something successfully by doing one last thing: Let's top off the evening with a drink.


   Off [ɒf]

   词源:Off originated simply as the adverbial use of of.(基本含义:离开)


   prep. 离开(某处);(时空上)距,离;离开;偏离;除去;下班;休息;减价;削价;戒除

   adv. 离开(某处);(时空上)距,离;除去;停⽌运转;下班;休息;减价;削价;分开,隔开

   adj. 取消的;卖完的;低于⼀般标准的;不新鲜的,变质的



   a. 从(某处)落下;离开;(时空上)离,距

   例1:I fell off the ladder.(我从梯⼦上跌了下来。)

   例2:Keep off the grass!(勿践踏草坪!远离草坪!)

   例3:an island off the coast of Spain(⻄班⽛海岸附近的⼀个岛)

   例4:We're getting right off the subject.(我们完全离题了。)

   b. 离开;偏离

   例1:We live off Main Street.(我们住在⼤街附近。)

   例2:There's a bathroom off the main bedroom.(主卧室旁边有⼀个卫⽣间。)

   c. 除去(离开主体)

   例:You need to take the top off the bottle fifirst.(你得先把瓶盖打开(拿掉)。)

   d. 下班;休息;放假(离开单位、学校等)

   例:He's had ten days off school.(他有⼗天没上学了。)

   e. 减价;削价(离开、减去)

   例:They knocked $500 off the car.(他们对这辆汽⻋杀价500美元。)

   f. 戒除(离开、远离)

   例1:I'm off alcohol (= not drinking) for a week.(我有⼀星期没喝酒了。)

   例2:He's finally off drugs (= he no longer takes them).(他终于把毒戒了。)


   a. 离开(某处);(时空上)距,离

   例1:I called him but he ran off.(我喊他,可他跑开了。)

   例2:She's off to Canada next week.(她下周(离开这⾥)去加拿⼤。)

   例3:Summer's not far off now.(夏天已近在眼前了。夏天离现在不远了。)

   b. 除去(离开、没有)

   例1:Take your coat offff.(脱了外⾐吧。)

   例2:Don't leave the toothpaste with the top off.(⽛膏要盖上盖。不要不盖⽛膏盖。)

   例3:We went out for a while to walk off some of our dinner.(我们出去⾛了⾛,消化⼀下晚餐吃的


   c. 停⽌运转(离开、没有)

   例1:Make sure the TV is off.(请确保关掉电视机。)

   例2:The water is off.(停⽔了。)

   d. 下班;休息(离开⼯作)

   例1:She's off today.(她今天休假。)

   例2:I've got three days off next week.(我下周有三天休假。)

   例3:How many days did you take off?(你休了⼏天假?)

   例4:I need some time off.(我需要休息⼀段时间。)

   e. 减价;削价(离开、减去)

   例:shoes with $20 off(减价20美元的鞋)

   f. 分开,隔开

   例1:The police have shut off all streets leading to the city.(警⽅封闭了所有通往这座城市的道


   例2:The area in the park where the kids play is fenced off for safety reasons.(为了安全起⻅,公



   a. 取消的;卖完的(离开、没有)

   例1:The wedding is off.(婚礼被取消了。)

   例2:Sorry, the duck is off.(对不起,鸭⼦卖光了。)

   b. 低于⼀般标准的(离开、没达到)

   例:I’m having an off day today - I just can't seem to do anything right!(我今天状态不佳——好像


   c. 不新鲜的,变质的(离开原样、变差)

   例1:This fifish has gone offff. (这条⻥已变质了。)

   例2:The milk smells offff.(这奶的味道不对劲。)


   a. better/worse off 经济状况较以前(或较⼤多数⼈)更好/更糟

   例1:Obviously we're better offff now that we're both working.(由于我俩都⼯作,经济状况显然⽐


   例2:She's better offff without him.(他不在身边她活得更好。)

   例3:If you lose your job, you’ll be even worse offff.(如果你丢了⼯作,你的情况就会更糟。)

   b. on and off 断断续续地

   例:It rained on and offff all day.(⾬断断续续地下了⼀整天。)



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