
lay down是什么意思

lay down 都有什么意思

lay down
She lay down and, turning her face to the wall, passed away.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
It was about an hour or so after he lay down.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
Then he made a fire,ate something and lay down to sleep.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
We are never afraid to lay down our lives for the right cause.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
When she lay down on the sofa, he arranged the cushions for her.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
Probably he would lay down his brushes and palette.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
The sickness passed after I lay down for a while.
-- 英汉 - 辞典例句
He lay down on the grass and went to sleep.





   及物动词 lay指的是把东西放下/放好; 后面需要跟着一个直接对象。

   注意:to lay=to place,放置


   不及物动词lie指的是休息/放倒; 后面没有直接对象。

   注意:to lie=to recline。







   例1:"Now lay the back of the shirt flat on the board and iron out any creases in whatever style you see fit." (现在把衬衫背面铺平在桌子上,把褶子熨平 )


   例2:"In politics, strangely enough, the best way to play your cards is to lay them face upward on the table." (从权术上来讲,最好的办法就是把牌放在桌子上,亮出牌面,这很奇怪。 )


   例3:"The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep." (一般狮子和幼崽都是躺下在一起休息的,但幼崽不会睡得太久。”)


   例4:"The lion lay down beside them to watch, but he also was so weary with the fight, that he called to the bear and said, 'Lie down near me, I must sleep a little: if anything comes, waken me.' Then the bear lay down beside him." (狮子在旁边躺下观看,其实他也对这种格斗感到厌倦,于是打电话给熊说:' 来我身边躺下,我要睡一会儿:如果有什么事发生,就叫醒我。' 然后熊就躺在了他旁边。)


   例5:The pumpkin that I had laid on the porch lay there for a month. (我把南瓜放在门廊上一个月了。 )


   例6: "Field flowers no longer grow amid the crops in England’s fields, but once the backhoes are withdrawn from road works, poppies spring from the disturbed ground. The seed they have grown from blew off the fields maybe a generation ago, and has lain in the soil ever since, waiting for someone or something to break the sod." (英格兰的田野上再也看不到野花,只是一旦锄耕机不在,罂粟种子就会从地里冒出来。这些种子可能是上一代人在荒地上播下的,从此就深埋在土壤中,等待野草被消灭的一天。“ )



   许多英语学习者在碰到lay 和 lie的时候就很崩溃。其实很简单,lay是及物动词,后面需跟着一个直接对象:you lay something down。Lie的后面并没有直接对象:something just lies there。如果你提东西累了,那你就把它放下( lay it down) ;如果你感到不舒服,你应该躺下(lie down)。(当然,这里并没有把说谎的这层意思包括在内。)




   Lay是及物动词(I lay down a case of claret every month; she laid the table);lie是不及物动词(he lies over there; she lay in bed until noon)。不要搞混了。



   那些不太懂语法的人经常会搞不清楚动词lie的过去式是lay。因此, “Dick lies on a bed now, but some time ago, he lay on the floor.” 这句话是对的。很多学生搞不清楚lay,当lay是主动动词时,其过去式是laid。因此 “I lay my hat on the table today, but, yesterday, I laid it on the shelf.”




Lay It on the Line

   Lay It on the Line指实话实说

   例句:"Sam Rayburn, the longtime Democratic speaker of the House, later said of Marshall's congressional testimony, ''He laid it on the line. He would tell the truth even if it hurt his cause.'"(“众议院民主党众议员萨姆•雷伯恩后来谈到马歇尔的国会证词时说,”他那时候说的是真话,即使那些大实话毁了他的事业,他也还是会说实话的。“)


Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

   Let Sleeping Dogs Lie指劝阻某人不要谈论其他人显然已经忘记的问题,延伸意 - 别惹麻烦/别惹是非

   例句:"The police have asked us no further questions and the unfortunate gossip in the town has subsided. We begin to think that it may be better to let sleeping dogs lie.”( 警察没有再问我们其他问题,镇上不幸的流言也已经不见,我们觉得最好还是别给自己惹麻烦。)



   在碰到Lay和Lie时,很多人容易笔误,即使英语再好的人也有时候会犯糊涂。比如“ I lay(in bed yesterday - 昨天的事情,即过去式)”(我躺在床上)


   但如果你是今天lay in bed,你就是一只母鸡!”



   (a) The dog sleeps on the couch, and the cats always _____ curled up under the table.

   (b) Don't shout when you _____ your cards down.

   (c) Linda _____ down for a nap after yoga last night.

   (d) "So great was the noise during the day that I used to _____ awake at night listening to the silence."

   (e) "Rosie scratched about, turned over a sack, and revealed a stone jar of cider. . . . Huge and squat, the jar _____ on the grass like an unexploded bomb."








lay down 都有什么意思

   Lay down 放下
如:Lay down your arms, or we'll fire.
lay down 规定
如:You can't lay down hard and fast rules.
lay down 牺牲
如:He was willing to lay down his life for his country.
lay down 躺下
如:I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.

能不被 Lay,Lie,Lied 和 Lain 混淆的人,少之又少,原因是没找到突破口

   这四个单词既有关系又有差别,造成把它们混淆的主要原因是 lie 作为动词时,有两个主要意思,对应的过去式和过去分词分别有两个,而且其中一个是不规则变化,变化出来的过去式和过去分词与其他的单词造成混淆,所以突破口是先彻底掌握 lie 作为动词的用法。

   一、lie 作动词,是一个不及物动词

   1. 意为“说谎;撒谎;编造谎言“时,是一个规则动词,遵循一般的变化规则,也即它的过去式和过去分词都是在 lie 后面加”d“变成 lied,例如:

   She lies about her age.


   She lied when she told me she was only 29.


   因此 lied 只是 lie 的过去式或过去分词,离开 lie 的话,lied 啥都不是。

   2. 意为“躺,平卧;平放;处于,保留;坐落”等意思时,不是一个规则动词,对应的过去式和过去分词分别是 lay 和 lain,例如:

   The book lay open on his desk.


   These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.


   到此为止,四个单词 lay,lie,lied 和 lain 都现身了,它们相对于 lie 的关系,可以用以下的图来表示:

   二、lay 作动词

   Lay 可以是 lie 的过去式,也可以是一个原形的不规则动词,而且原形的意思跟意为“平放”的 lie 的意思很相近,这也是造成混淆的地方之一;原形动词 lay 可以意为”放置,安放“等,对应的过去式和过去分词都是laid,例如:

   He laid a hand on my arm.


   She laid the baby down gently on the bed.



   1. lie 和 lied

   当 lie 意为“撒谎”时,它的过去式和过去分词都是 lied,因此 lied 只是 lie 的过去式,仅此而已。

   2. lie 和 lay

   lie 是一个不及物动词,表示使处于或使自己处于平坦的位置,此时它的过去式是 lay;而动词原形的 lay 表示把某物小心地放平,我们可以通过它们后面是否能直接接宾语来区分它们,能直接接宾语的是原形的 lay,不能的是 lie 的过去式 lay,例如:

   She laid the book flat and opened it up.


   A wonderful woodenfloor has been laid in the dining room.


   Shall I lay the tray on the bed?我把托盘放在床上好吗?

   解析:以上三句都有直接宾语,因此 lay 是原形的动词,其中 laid 是 lay 的过去式。

   I love to lie on a beach and read.


   She lay on the bed and gazed at the ceiling, daydreaming.


   The dog was lying by the gate waiting for me to come home.


   解析:以上三句的 lay 没有直接宾语,因此它是 lie 的过去式。

   无论在哪种时态或是动词以哪种形式出现,只要把握上面提到的一个原则就能彻底的把原形的 lay 和 lie 区分开来,例如:

   Lay: Unfold the blanket and lay it on the floor.


   Lie: This stuff is pretty groundbreaking; you'd better lie down.


   Lay: She laid the blanket on the floor when I asked.


   Lie: I felt sick, so I lay down.


   Lay: She had laid the blanket down before she left.


   Lie: I had lain there for some time before getting up.


   Lay: I was laying the blanket on the floor.我把毯子铺在地板上。

   Lie: You’ve been lying down all day.



   3. lie 和 lain

   当 lie 不译为“撒谎”时,lain 是 lie 的过去分词,因此 lain 只是 lie 的过去分词,仅此而已。

   4. 总结一下:lied 和 lain 只跟 lie 有关系,因为它们同原形,而 lay 即是 lie 的过去式,又是一个独立的动词,可以用更细化的图来表明它们之间的关系,例如:








   1、He lay in bed till night .


   2、I lay in bed contemplating what to do next.


   3、She then asked, as we lay there cuddling ,Do you want me to go?




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